miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Starting Point

This project is being developed in the city of Medellin, Antioquia . "Messages Rock And Pop Songs" is the name of our project. We are developing the project through consultations and videos on the web, concerning the subject we are working that is rock and pop. What we want to accomplish with the development of this project is to identify the meaning of the messages of pop and rock songs in Medellin. Identify the lead singers and Recognize the attitude of people in the concerts of this kind of music.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

The Theoretical Background

Summary #1 :

Evolution of Pop:

Mainstream pop music is in Spanish, which is a line taken from the bolero and the ballad genre par excellence of the American, characterized by lyrics of love and gentle rhythm. Latin pop singers more important today are Shakira, Ricky Martin, Alejandro Sanz, Paulina Rubio, Enrique Iglesias, Thalia, Julieta Venegas, Belinda, Laura Pausini, Chayanne, etc.
It is noteworthy that this genre has made ​​its performance of Anglo-Saxon of the time variables such as soft rock. There is also talk of Latin pop in relation to Latin American or Iberian rhythms adapted to become a product that can be heard beyond its traditional audience.
Because the Latin pop to be popular in essence, also contained within its genre artists from other musical styles that took fashion for some time. The case of Spanish rock in the late 80s and 90s is evident from what bands like Soda Stereo, Enanitos Verdes, or Maná due to the popularity they enjoyed were the genres considered to be accepted one as in the other side.

Taken : ( http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_latino )

Summary #2

History Of Rock In Medellin .

The rock in Medellin today is a living movement of every neighborhood every youth group in each class . However few remember the beginning , when in the middle of the 60 came alongside two powerful cultural movements : the politics of left and nothingness . It was precisely the latter movement that understood the message and somehow associated with small literary contributions . They were the symbol of a dispute between punkeros and metal in the city and saw the confrontation as a matter of class , and that punk began to see music as a marginal and some what like something ilegal . All this resulted in another big important rock event in Medellin , The so-called battle of the bands . This was in 1985 , with an attendance of five thousand people and one of the major disorders that had a concert .
Taken : ( http://www.lopaisa.com/rockhistoria.html )

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


General Objective :
Identify the meaning of the messages of rock and pop songs in Medellin .
Specific Objectives :
- Identify the major singers .
- Recognize the attitude of people in the concerts this kind of music .

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

The Rock & Pop as an Expression :

Ximena Berrio Rojas
Pamela Chavarría Muñoz

Ana María García Gómez
Verónica Raigoza Álvarez
Advisor: Robinson Durango Zuleta
The Medellin City is a department of Antioquia, located in northwest Colombia in the heart of Valle de Aburrá located in the Cordillera Central and bisected by the Medellin River.
For its part, the metropolitan area, consisting of 9 municipalities, has an estimated population of 3,740,000 people by 2010, making it the second largest city in the country.
The city also stands as one of the major cultural centers in Colombia. It also hosts major festivals of wide experience and recognition locally, nationally and internationally. It also highlights the academic and scientific activity, which has earned him recognition as City University and knowledge as some of the most important Colombian universities are in the city.

Pop and rock in Medellin:
Rock and Pop arrives in Medellin, like the rest of the third world, outside pretending to settle among youth. From the hand of a youth culture that is internationalized rapidly enters the rock and pop Medellin gaining tremendous acceptance.
Rock and pop are scattered throughout the city of Envigado Bello, Belen Manrique, the Town of Castile.
Pop music is a combination of different musical genres that are popular in our city and country, and is not an isolated rock in the pop genre usually interpreted, among many other instruments are added from time to time with guitar
drums, bass and occasional keyboards instruments as organ, piano or synthesizer.
The original Rock derives from many sources, mainly blues, rhythm and blues and country, but also gospel and folk jazz. All these influences combined in a simple, blues-based music, which was fast, danceable and catchy “
In Medellin, the main representatives of each gender, respectively.

Group musical :"Pasabordo” is a duo whose most popular songs are: "El Besito", his latest single - "Quisiera" - "Ya para que?"
Group musical "Piso 21"  - "Te Amo En La Distancia", his latest single - "Ángel mortal"  - "Por Siempre A tu lado"
Group musical "La 45"  - "El amor no es Para Siempre"  - "Trasplante"  - "Ella"

 Group musical “Tres de Corazón " -" Por Siempre” -" digas lo que digas” -" pa pa pa”
Group Musical “Rey Gordiflon " -" ahora” -" algo mal” - " buenos días”
Group Musical "Nepentes" -"Control" -"Somos Violentos" -"Quieren Rockear"

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011


Hi Everyone:
This blog is created for the presentation of our project for English class: " messages songs " here are going to publish everything related to messages that give the songs,  found in rock and pop genres, where everyone can know more thoroughly a song,  his lyrics, his musical rhythm, comunication  and expresion  through music.
This blog is educational.
Working on this project:
Ximena Berrio Rojas
Veronica Raigoza Alvarez
Pamela Chavarria Muñoz
Ana Maria Garcia Gomez
We hope to perform very well  this project and we will do our best to serve this blog much at all .